Holding an Online Exhibition

Holding an Online Exhibition

Episode 76 : Why holding an online exhibition may be a good idea

After a year of cancelled shows, fairs and other events it would seem that the people (creative ones) that have fared best are those that have come up with their own solutions to their lack of places to sell their work. In this episode Laura & Peter discuss their ideas, thought and personal experiences in running online exhibitions.

Art has never been so easy to access online and social media is flooded with imagery, so making your exhibition stand out is crucial. Both hosts have experience in showing and selling online and offer their advice for successful ways of showcasing your art.

The Useful Stuff

  • Set a schedule and create a proper event: have an opening date, a set period for the show and build up to the opening with teaser images. Advertise using all your resources; mailing list, social media, print media etc.

  • Make the show as accessible as possible and ensure the photography is good. It’s essential that the work is easily accessed and can be seen in clear detail with plenty of information.

  • Have an end date and stick to it. Create a buzz by making it time limited. Tight and organised shows are much more attractive to viewers than an open ended and woolly event.

  • A theme or a topic is important and gives the show a strong identity. One effective strategy is to show the making of an artwork from beginning to end, culminating with the sale of that artwork. You could also include live demos or talks as part of your show.

  • Work in a way that feels comfortable with you. Better to be confident and polished using media that you can work with rather than try to muddle through on a new platform.

  • Think about making a hard copy catalogue available. This could go free to favoured clients and be available for others to purchase. Could you include covid-safe one to one viewings to see the work in real life, or plan for a follow up show when restrictions ease in the future?

  • Be very clear about sales details: size, cost, how you will ship, is the work framed or unframed, when is it available etc. Make sure you have researched how best to send work out safely (check out our episode on sending work out safely by post and courier) and take account of all the admin involved. It is crucial to be on the ball or clients will be very frustrated!

The Takeaway

Good planning and preparation is crucial, commit to your idea and follow through on your project using whatever technology works best for you.

This Podcast is sponsored by Michael Harding Colours. For more information about Michael’s colour range or to find a retailer near you, please visit www.michaelharding.co.uk

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