Interview with Fitch and McAndrew Ceramics

Interview with Fitch and McAndrew Ceramics

Episode 46: Doug Fitch and Hannah McAndrew

This week Peter and Laura talk to husband and wife team Doug Fitch and Hannah McAndrew about their joint business as slipware potters and how they manage the balance between creative time, the demands of running the business and the care of their young family.

1.     Finding your own style takes time. As potters, Doug and Hannah served apprenticeships and had to shake off the imprint of their mentors before they emerged with their own unique style. Even artists without direct influences will take time to find their feet, so be patient, keep working and you will get there.

2.     Work with your passion. Doug and Hannah share a passion for slipware (that’s how they met!) and it shines out from their work. It’s your belief and enthusiasm that makes work successful, so don’t be distracted or discouraged: follow your instincts.

3.     Be ready for rejection at first. Starting out as a creative is tough and it will probably take a couple of years to start building a following and making sales. Be prepared to tough it out at the start and remember it is extremely rare for any artist to leap into a successful career. Feeling down? Google a few of your heroes and read about their early years.

4.     Involve the family if you can. Doug and Hannah’s kids are growing up in the pottery and are old hands at attending shows. Most artists have to find a work life balance with the family and if children can be involved, safely of course, in your creative life, they are much more likely to be accepting about your art as a ‘proper’ occupation. The same goes for your partner!

5.     Be authentic on social media. Doug and Hannah have an enviable social media presence which helps enormously with online sales. They are entirely honest in documenting their lives and include family life in the mix, no sugar coating. Both agree that their audience engages much more with honesty than pretty set dressing.

6.     Know your market: Doug and Hannah use very specific magazine advertising which, in the ceramic world, works very well indeed, but this approach might be a disaster in another sector. Think carefully about your marketing: it’s impossible to hit the bullseye every time, but understanding where to aim is fundamental.

7.     Photography is everything: selling work online, social media, submissions – it all requires photography. Makers of 3D objects must find a way of going further than 2D artists since people need an idea of the feel, form and balance of 3D artworks. Invest in a good photographer.

The Takeaway

You can see, and buy, Doug and Hannah’s spectacular slipware ceramics and follow their creative journey here and on social media at Fitch and McAndrew

This Podcast is sponsored by Michael Harding Colours. For more information about Michael’s colour range or to find a retailer near you, please visit

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