Choosing and Changing Mediums

Choosing and Changing Mediums

Season 3, Episode 7 : Choosing and Changing Mediums

What a wonderful time in history to be an artist or creator! Whether 3D or 2D, there is a huge array of potential mediums to get creative with - actually an overwhelming amount sometimes! – Even within a single medium there can be so many ways to utilise it, as well as an often bewildering amount of weird lotions, potions and extras to use as well..  

In this episode, Tom and Peter talk about their own experience with different mediums, how they came to choose their dominant medium, the pros and cons of changing mediums, as well as how they have found a balance between experimentation and honing their expertise.

You can take a look at Peter’s oil paintings and Tom’d watercolours on their respective websites, and

This week's takeaway... some artists and creator’s are literally bursting at the seams with ideas and may potentially find using just one or two mediums a limiting factor, or a cap on their creativity, whilst others seem to relish the commitment to one central medium and the rewards that can come with this. It’s clear that there are pros and cons to both of these approaches but ultimately, if an artist is fulfilled creatively, pushing their work forward whilst honing their craft (and if it is a consideration, also making it work from a business point of view) then go with what works.

This Podcast is sponsored by Michael Harding Colours. For more information about Michael’s colour range or to find a retailer near you, please visit

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